Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Sunday, March 8th - 6pm - @ Celebration

Doug Abner from Manchester, Kentucky, will be speaking Sunday evening, March 8th,  6 pm at Dwelling Place.

Dwelling Place meets at the Celebration Church building on hill, 4429 Buck Mountain Road, Roanoke, VA 24018.

Manchester experienced a supernatural visitation in the Spring of 2004 during a community-wide march standing against a deadly drug epidemic that was killing their children. Following this time of repentance in the city park, over the next 6 years they experienced transformation throughout their community with widespread salvations, miracles, healings, and even the very land itself being restored and healed. Their story was documented in the video, "An Appalachian Dawn, " produced by The Sentinel Group in 2010. 


Come Sunday evening to hear Doug speak about this amazing outpouring of God.