Friday, 19 December 2014

Soaking in His Presence

Jesus Christ is LORD!

From one of our faithful members, also a resident at Our Lady of the Valley:
God bless you and ALL who blessed Our Lady of the Valley this week.  Many expressed thanks. Alan (activities director) said you are welcome to return any time. Yours truly is deeply grateful, especially to the Holy Spirit who led me in Sept to decline the invitation to my nephew's wedding which took place (in Canada) the same day.      Jesus Christ is LORD.
Yours gratefully, and on behalf of he Residents who attended.    Carol

Saturday, 15 November 2014

Preparing for Transformation

The weekend was awesome!  We had over 100  in  attendance including several form North Carolina, one  from Ohio, and many others from around our state.  David Kubal, CEO of Intercessors for America spoke Friday night on the "By-product of Pursuing His Presence".  On Saturday Wanda and Bobby Alger continued teaching on topics such as:  Getting Spiritually Hungry; Building a Personal Prayer Alter; a Biblical Approach to Revival; The Cost of Pursuing Transforming Revival; Repentance unto Deliverance; The Mindsets of Limited Theology; Spiritual Authority and much more!    Sherrie Moore from Transforming Richmond spoke about her experience, including successes and roadblocks.  She shared with such passion that it could not help but ignite a flame in our hearts to begin the process for the Roanoke Valley.
HEAR DAVID KUBAL  speak about this Transformation Process - pursuing God's heart.  From this page, click COMMUNITY SITES to see a list of prayer groups all across our nation that have already begun the process.  Note -- TRANSFORM ROANOKE in that list!  Click there and join our community.  There are already resources available for you to download.  Very soon, we will have the audio of the whole weekend available for you.  Once you join a community, other community sites will be open for you to read about what is happening there.

Monday, 3 November 2014


Hallelujah!  We had 73 people Monday night before the elections praising our Lord and lifting our voices in prayer to Him!
Also, beginning at 9:00pm that same night, we had 61 people signed up to pray, covering the following 26 hours until the polls closed in Hawaii. 
How Great is Our God!  
Prayer Guide:   PDF & Word

Roanoke's "Preparing for Transformation" Weekend

Transforming Revival is a mighty move of God which comes as a result of a community’s invitation and pursuit of God’s Presence. This supernatural move of God will affect every sphere of culture including both Christians and non-Christians, alike, and will give glory to God, not man or man’s programs. It does not happen at random, nor does God pick and choose which community to visit. He comes to those who have prepared themselves.          
Roanoke Valley's "Preparing for Transformation" seminar was held Nov 14-15.  It was a weekend designed to equip and empower communities that desire to pursue God’s Presence resulting in transforming revival. The sessions explored various aspects of this pursuit and help to train leaders, community catalysts and intercessors in effective prayer, strategic initiatives and kingdom relationships.   The sessions included these topics:

What is Transforming Revival?
*Defining transforming revival and its phases
*Biblical patterns
Moves of God: Past, Present, and Future
*Comparing methods and strategies of revival and how God is moving today *Values of transforming revival
Pursuing God’s Presence
*Defining Presence and posturing our hearts
*Desperation and developing prayer altars
Tipping the Scales
*Prayers from crisis and prayers of opportunity
*Expectations and strategic intercession
Remove the Roadblocks!
*Repentance unto deliverance
*Covenant relationships and common strongholds
Detractors, Distractions and Destroyers
*Mindsets and belief systems to overcome
*Distractions and destroyers of transforming revival